2018 Topps On Demand GPK Memes Checklist and Details

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2018 Topps On Demand GPK Memes takes some of the most passed around pieces of the Internet and makes them into Garbage Pail Kids.

2018 Topps On Demand GPK Memes Adam Bomb

Like all Topps On Demand sets, it was available on their website for one week or while supplies lasted. It turns out it was the latter, selling out within a couple of days.

The set consists of ten different gags to recreate memes, each with A/B name variations.

There are also three parallels, which combine to land five per set purchase. C Names (one per set) add another layer to the main cards while Green (three per set) and Pink (one per set) take a border-color approach.

2018 Topps On Demand GPK Memes Pink Lizard Liz

Every other set also came with a sketch card.

2018 Topps On Demand GPK Memes at a glance:

Cards per set: 25
Set size: 20 cards
Release date: September 27, 2018
Production run: 500 sets

2018 Topps On Demand GPK Memes Checklist

Base Set Checklist

20 cards.


• Green – (3 per set)
• C Names – (1 per set)
• Pink – (1 per set)

A Names

Nasty Nick
Adam Bomb
Furry Fran
Weird Wendy
Swell Mel
New Wave Dave
Kim Kong
Wrinkly Randy
Wrappin Ruth
Slimy Sam

B Names

Evil Eddie
Blasted Billy
Hairy Mary
Haggy Maggie
Dressy Jesse
Graffiti Petey
Anna Banana
Rockin Robert
Tommy Tomb
Lizard Liz

C Names Parallels

Season Al
Mind Blown Mike
Ancient Allen
Disaster Pearl
Skeptical Mel
Success Less
Grumpy Kat
Hard to Seymour
Sinister Same

Sketch Cards

1:2 sets.
Artists TBA.

Checklist Top

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Ryan Cracknell

A collector for much of his life, Ryan focuses primarily on building sets, Montreal Expos and interesting cards. He's also got one of the most comprehensive collections of John Jaha cards in existence (not that there are a lot of them). Want to get in touch? Drop him an email.

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