2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist and Details

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2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars is a character-driven release that has the brand’s trademarks as well as a few other inserts. Covering the movies and TV shows, the checklist covers more than four decades of moments and the actors who starred.

As far as hits go, hobby boxes promise one autograph.

2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist Overview

The main base set consists of 100 cards. Each focuses on a different character. This differs from other recent Topps Chrome Star Wars sets that have either focused on a specific theme or art with the last two Galaxy Chrome sets.

Being Topps Chrome, Refractor parallels are a big part of the product. Levels include:

  • Refractors – 1:2 packs
  • Aqua Refractors – /199
  • Blue Refractors – /150
  • Green Refractors – /99
  • Gold Refractors – /50
  • Orange Refractors – /25
  • Red Refractors – /5
  • Printing Plates – 1/1
  • Superfractors – 1/1
2023 Topps Star Wars Chrome Red Refractor Reva

The bulk of the signatures are found in the Character Autographs. Over 50 signers are included with such headliners as Harrison Ford, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, Daisy Ridley, Rosario Dawson and Emilia Clarke.

This is also just the second set to have Diego Luna autographs after they debuted in 2023 Topps Star Wars Signature Series. The actor plays Cassian Andor in Rogue One and Andor.

The rainbow for autographs features Green Refractors (/99), Gold Refractors (/50), Orange Refractors (/25), Red Refractors (/5) and Superfractors (1/1).

Dual and Triple Autographs are also available.

2023 Topps Star Wars Chrome Dual Autograph Ewan McGregor Hayden Christensen

Among the other inserts in 2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars, First Appearances are short prints. Even the parallels are sparse here with Red Refractors (/5) and Superfractors (1/1). Select cards also have autograph versions.

2023 Topps Star Wars Chrome First Appearances Darth Vader

Other themes include Return of the Jedi 40th Anniversary (10 cards), Journey of Grogu (20 cards), Monikers (20 cards) and Manga Madness (15 cards). These all have Green Refractors (/99), Gold Refractors (/50), Orange Refractors (/25), Red Refractors (/5) and Superfractors (1/1).

Sketch cards, including some drawn with a Manga style, are also randomly inserted.

2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars trading cards at a glance:

Cards per pack: Hobby – 4
Packs per box: Hobby – 24
Boxes per case: Hobby – 8
Set size: 100 cards
Release date: Topps Website – May 4, 2023, Hobby – May 24, 2023

Shop for 2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars boxes on eBay:

What to expect in a hobby box:

  • Autographs – 1
  • Refractors – 12

2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist

You can also download a customizable spreadsheet copy of the checklist:

Please note that print runs for cards without serial numbers have not been announced.


Base Set Checklist

100 cards.


  • Refractors – (1:2 packs)
  • Aqua Refractors – /199
  • Blue Refractors – /150
  • Green Refractors – /99
  • Gold Refractors – /50
  • Orange Refractors – /25
  • Red Refractors – /5
  • Printing Plates – 1/1
  • Superfractors – 1/1

1 Cassian Andor
2 Mon Mothma
3 K-2SO
4 Saw Gerrera
5 Luthen Rael
6 Obi-Wan Kenobi
7 Reva
8 The Grand Inquisitor
9 Fifth Brother
10 Fourth Sister
11 Owen Lars
12 Beru Lars
13 Haja Estree
14 Tala Durith
15 Darth Vader
16 Bail Organa
17 Princess Leia Organa
18 NED-B
19 Jyn Erso
20 Galen Erso
21 Han Solo
22 Qi’ra
23 Chewbacca
24 Maul
25 Cal Kestis
26 BD-1
27 Second Sister
28 Cere Junda
29 Greez Dritus
30 Kanan Jarrus
31 Hera Syndulla
32 Ezra Bridger
33 Zeb Orrelios
34 Sabine Wren
35 Ketsu Onyo
36 Kazuda Xiono
37 Neeku Vozo
38 Tam Ryvora
39 Jarek Yeager
40 Synara San
41 Torra Doza
42 Bucket
43 Mace Windu
44 Count Dooku
45 Jabba The Hutt
46 Salacious B. Crumb
47 Admiral Ackbar
48 Anakin Skywalker
49 Padmé Amidala
50 Quinlan Vos
51 Yoda
52 Han Solo
53 General Hux
54 BB-8
55 Maz Kanata
56 General Leia Organa
57 Supreme Leader Snoke
58 DJ
59 Captain Phasma
60 Qui-Gon Jinn
61 Jar Jar Binks
62 Sebulba
63 Shmi Skywalker
64 Boss Nass
65 R2-D2
66 C-3PO
67 Poe Dameron
68 Finn
69 Rey
70 Dark Rey
71 Kylo Ren
72 Emperor Palpatine
73 Zorii Bliss
74 Babu Frik
75 Klaud
76 Rose Tico
77 Lando Calrissian
78 Jannah
79 D-O
80 Nien Nunb
81 Hunter
82 Wrecker
83 Tech
84 Omega
85 Crosshair
86 Echo
87 Luke Skywalker
88 Krrsantan
89 Boba Fett
90 Fennec Shand
91 Cad Bane
92 Cobb Vanth
93 Taanti
94 Tusken Chief
95 Tusken Warrior
96 Ahsoka Tano
97 The Mandalorian
98 Grogu
99 Greef Karga
100 Migs Mayfeld

2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist Top


2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist – Autographs

Character Autographs Checklist

55 cards.


  • Green Refractors (/99)
  • Gold Refractors (/50)
  • Orange Refractors (/25)
  • Red Refractors (/5)
  • Superfractors (1/1)

CA-AB Ahmed Best as Jar Jar Binks
CA-ADK Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
CA-AE Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo
CA-AS Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke
CA-BB Brian Blessed as Boss Nass
CA-BP Bonnie Piesse as Beru Lars
CA-BW Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian
CA-CF Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa
CA-CS Christopher Sean as Kazuda Xiono
CA-CW Carl Weathers as Greef Karga
CA-DB David Barclay as Jabba The Hutt
CA-DC Dustin Ceithamer as NED-B
CA-DG Domhnall Gleeson as General Hux
CA-DL Diego Luna as Cassian Andor
CA-DR Deep Roy as Yoda
CA-DRD Daisy Ridley as Dark Rey
CA-DRR Daisy Ridley as Rey
CA-DW Debra Wilson as Cere Junda
CA-EC Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra
CA-EG Elizabeth Grullon as Second Sister
CA-EM Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi
CA-FJ Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso
CA-FP Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarrus
CA-FW Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera
CA-GC Gwendoline Christie as Captain Phasma

CA-HC Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader
CA-HCA Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker
CA-HF Harrison Ford as Han Solo
CA-IM Ian McDiarmid as Emperor Palpatine
CA-IV Indira Varma as Tala Durith
CA-KB Kenny Baker as R2-D2
CA-KT Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico
CA-LB Lynn Robertson Bruce as D-O
CA-LM Lewis Macleod as Sebulba
CA-LN Lupita Nyong’o as Maz Kanata
CA-MD Mark Dodson as Salacious B. Crumb
CA-MI Moses Ingram as Reva
CA-MM Mads Mikkelsen as Galen Erso
CA-MQ Mike Quinn as Nien Nunb
CA-MV Myrna Velasco as Torra Doza
CA-MW Ming-Na Wen as Fennec Shand
CA-NA Naomi Ackie as Jannah
CA-NC Nazneen Contractor as Synara San
CA-NP Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala
CA-RD Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka Tano
CA-RK Rya Kihlstedt as Fourth Sister
CA-SJ Samuel L. Jackson as Mace Windu
CA-SL Scott Lawrence as Jarek Yeager
CA-SM Suzie McGrath as Tam Ryvora
CA-SW Sam Witwer as Maul
CA-TM Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett
CA-TR Tim Rose as Admiral Ackbar
CA-VB Vivien Lyra Blair as Princess Leia Organa
CA-VM Vanessa Marshall as Hera Syndulla
CA-XJ Xavier Jimenez as Tusken Chief

Dual Autographs Checklist

8 cards.


  • Red Refractors – /5
  • Superfractors – 1/1

DA-CE Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra / Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo
DA-CT Hermione Corfield as Tallie Lintra / Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico
DA-LW2 Diego Luna as Cassian Andor / Forest Whitaker as Saw Gerrera
DA-MC Hayden Christensen as Darth Vader / Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan Kenobi
DA-PM Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala / Ian McDiarmid as Chancellor Palpatine
DA-SR Kiran Shah as Nambi Ghima / Daisy Ridley as Rey
DA-TL Billie Lourd as Kaydel Ko Connix / Kelly Marie Tran as Rose Tico
DA-WC Sam Witwer as Maul / Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra

First Appearances Autographs Checklist

10 cards.

FAA-AD Adam Driver as Kylo Ren
FAA-CF Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia Organa
FAA-DL Diego Luna as Cassian Andor
FAA-DR Daisy Ridley as Rey
FAA-FJ Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso
FAA-FP Freddie Prinze Jr. as Kanan Jarrus
FAA-HF Harrison Ford as Han Solo
FAA-IM Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine
FAA-NP Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala
FAA-VM Vanessa Marshall as Hera Syndulla

Triple Autographs Checklist

4 cards.


  • Red Refractors – /5
  • Superfractors – 1/1

TA-BMP Matt Berry as 8D8 / David Pasquesi as Twi’lek Majordomo / Temuera Morrison as Boba Fett
TA-EKC Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra / Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo / Erin Kellyman as Enfys Nest
TA-JML Diego Luna as Cassian Andor / Felicity Jones as Jyn Erso / Mads Mikkelsen as Galen Erso
TA-SFD Adam Driver as Kylo Ren / Andy Serkis as Supreme Leader Snoke / Harrison Ford as Han Solo

2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist Top


2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist – Inserts

First Appearances Checklist

20 cards.


  • Red Refractors – /5
  • Superfractors – 1/1

FA-1 Darth Vader
FA-2 Obi-Wan Kenobi
FA-3 Han Solo
FA-4 Princess Leia
FA-5 Luke Skywalker
FA-6 Darth Maul
FA-7 Palpatine
FA-8 The Mandalorian
FA-9 Grogu
FA-10 Ahsoka Tano
FA-11 Queen Amidala
FA-12 Rey
FA-13 Finn
FA-14 Poe Dameron
FA-15 Kylo Ren
FA-16 Ezra Bridger
FA-17 Hera Syndulla
FA-18 Kanan Jarrus
FA-19 Jyn Erso
FA-20 Cassian Andor

Journey of Grogu Checklist

20 cards.


  • Green Refractors (/99)
  • Gold Refractors (/50)
  • Orange Refractors (/25)
  • Red Refractors (/5)
  • Superfractors (1/1)

JG-1 Jedi Temple Siege
JG-2 Meeting the Mandalorian
JG-3 Slaying the Mudhorn
JG-4 Brought Before the Client
JG-5 Kidnapped by Toro Calican
JG-6 Discovered by Mercenaries!
JG-7 IG-11’s New Programming
JG-8 A Clan of Two
JG-9 The Mysterious Mandalorian of Tatooine
JG-10 The Mandalorians of Trask
JG-11 Grogu in Class
JG-12 Ahsoka Tano Sets Grogu’s Path
JG-13 The Seeing Stone
JG-14 The Dark Troopers Arrive!
JG-15 Encounter with Moff Gideon
JG-16 The Mandalorian & His Allies to the Rescue
JG-17 The future site of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Temple
JG-18 Grogu’s Choice
JG-19 Facing the Rancor
JG-20 The Mandalorian’s New Ship

Manga Madness

15 cards.


  • Green Refractors (/99)
  • Gold Refractors (/50)
  • Orange Refractors (/25)
  • Red Refractors (/5)
  • Superfractors (1/1)


Monikers Checklist

20 cards.


  • Green Refractors (/99)
  • Gold Refractors (/50)
  • Orange Refractors (/25)
  • Red Refractors (/5)
  • Superfractors (1/1)

M-1 Darth Vader
M-2 Luke Skywalker
M-3 Rey
M-4 Chewbacca
M-5 Han Solo
M-6 The Mandalorian
M-7 Grogu
M-8 Obi-Wan Kenobi
M-9 Obi-Wan Kenobi
M-10 R2-D2
M-11 C-3PO
M-12 Kylo Ren
M-13 Anakin Skywalker
M-14 Ahsoka Tano
M-15 Sheev Palpatine
M-16 Leia Organa
M-17 FN-2187
M-18 Jabba The Hutt
M-19 Stormtrooper
M-20 CT-7567

Return of the Jedi 40th Aniversary Checklist

10 cards.


  • Green Refractors (/99)
  • Gold Refractors (/50)
  • Orange Refractors (/25)
  • Red Refractors (/5)
  • Superfractors (1/1)

ROJ40-1 R2-D2
ROJ40-2 Boba Fett
ROJ40-3 C-3PO
ROJ40-4 Chewbacca
ROJ40-5 Han Solo
ROJ40-6 Yoda
ROJ40-7 Lando Calrissian
ROJ40-8 Princess Leia
ROJ40-9 Luke Skywalker
ROJ40-10 Darth Vader

Sketch Cards Checklist

Artist list TBA.

Manga Sketch Cards Checklist

Artist list TBA.

2023 Topps Chrome Star Wars Checklist Top

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Ryan Cracknell

A collector for much of his life, Ryan focuses primarily on building sets, Montreal Expos and interesting cards. He's also got one of the most comprehensive collections of John Jaha cards in existence (not that there are a lot of them). Want to get in touch? Drop him an email.

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