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    • CoinType
      • Dimes(659)
      • Dollars(501)
      • Gold(1686)
      • Half Cents(2)
      • Half Dimes(130)
      • Half Dollars(756)
      • Platinum(118)
      • Quarters(927)
      • Silver - One oz(66)
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    • Sets
      • Liberty Cap Half Cents (2)
      • Flowing Hair Half Dimes (2)
      • Draped Bust Half Dimes (13)
      • Capped Bust Half Dimes (16)
      • Seated Liberty Half Dimes (79)
      • Seated Liberty Half Dimes Proofs (20)
      • Draped Bust Dimes (16)
      • Capped Bust Dimes (34)
      • Seated Liberty Dimes (123)
      • Seated Liberty Dimes Proofs (39)
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    • Set Type
      • Basics (2859)
      • Bullions (473)
      • Proofs (994)
      • Satins (100)
      • Commemoratives (195)
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    • Mint Mark
      • New Orleans (263)
      • San Fransisco (963)
      • Charlotte (155)
      • Denver (570)
      • Philadelphia (231)
      • West Point (347)
      • Carson City (6)
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    • Designer
      • Robert Scot (130)
      • John Mercanti (204)
      • William Kneass (34)
      • Christian Gobrecht (1334)
      • John Reich (102)
      • Charles Barber (305)
      • Adolph Weinman (161)
      • John Sinnock (308)
      • Herman MacNeil (37)
      • Not Identified (545)
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    • Precious Metals
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