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wow... rant

RE: wow... rant
Ya hate that when people try to trade down cause they try to go by SV. Thats why its so hard to trade on here. BV is only how I trade. Thats a crazy offer.

Not trying to trade over 2 for 1! Thanks!

RE: wow... rant
there are way too many variables when dealing with ebay though... For instance, I've been trying to buy up all the 2008 Sterling Peyton Manning Jersey cards and have paid anywhere from $3-$10 for the exact same card. When you look at that sort of inconcistency, it's insane. The only reason I pay up to $10 for the card is due to it still being under the BV. If all you are trying to do is make money off your cards, then you have to go by sale value and I understand that. However, from a purely traders standpoint, BV is the fairest way to look at it. I don't sell my cards, so I go by BV. When someone tells me that they can get my card for way cheaper on Ebay, I tell them to go buy it on Ebay then... just my $.02
I collect Peyton Manning and Griffey Jr.
My Bucket: http://s444.photobucket.com/albums/qq164/soccerscrub78
[Image: manning-griffeybanner2.jpg]

RE: wow... rant
When someone tells me that they can get my card for way cheaper on Ebay, I tell them to go buy it on Ebay then... just my $.02

Now this confuses me. Why would you take two pennies and try and turn them into a nickel? Why would you tell person they can get the same card cheaper elsewhere? A lot of people have the same opinion as you and I dont understand it respectfully of course.

If you have something I want and I offer what I feel is fair based on other auction totals then why would you turnaround and tell me that yours is worth more? This is part of the problem. Your card is no more special than one that is on ebay. If the card goes for a certain amount on the bay then that is what you will get for it if you sell it there. Why would you want me to pay more for the exact same card?

Also most people overlook fees. If a card on the bay goes for $25 you should sell it here for $20 as there arent any fees just yet. Why give ebay more cash? Just food for thought.
Unique Cards:
Dolphins - 6000+
Marino - 2140
Zach Thomas - 869
Jason Taylor - 749
Lamar Miller - 341

RE: wow... rant
BV is fair.. end of discussion
sometimes i see where people come into play about fairness though.. for example this years contenders.. can you really see trading say.. rusty smith/190 for a colt mccoy /25 and have the same BV..? depending on how bad i NEEDED the smith..and the person with the mccoy.. id call that unfair but the BV is right. if anyone catches what im saying..

i still trade BV no matter.. its just how bad do people want certain cards.

RE: wow... rant
(07-08-2011, 06:38 AM)bakerman8419 Wrote: When someone tells me that they can get my card for way cheaper on Ebay, I tell them to go buy it on Ebay then... just my $.02
Now this confuses me. Why would you take two pennies and try and turn them into a nickel? Why would you tell person they can get the same card cheaper elsewhere? A lot of people have the same opinion as you and I dont understand it respectfully of course.

If you have something I want and I offer what I feel is fair based on other auction totals then why would you turnaround and tell me that yours is worth more? This is part of the problem. Your card is no more special than one that is on ebay. If the card goes for a certain amount on the bay then that is what you will get for it if you sell it there. Why would you want me to pay more for the exact same card?

Also most people overlook fees. If a card on the bay goes for $25 you should sell it here for $20 as there arent any fees just yet. Why give ebay more cash? Just food for thought.

As I explained in my post, I would tell you to buy it on ebay then because I'm not interested in making a profit on my card. If you can buy it for cheaper than the BV that I'm looking to get it for in trade then it is a no brainer...go get your card on ebay. I don't trade just to trade, I am trying to find somethin that I collect... If I can find it on ebay for cheaper than BV, I buy it on ebay else I come here and try to trade for it usin BV.

When looking at SV vs BV I think it as comparing apples to oranges. I collect cards, I don't sell them. Therefore, the best way to compare values is to look at BV. The SV, like I said in my post concerning my 2008 Sterling Manning cards, is affected by too many variables ($3-$10 for a $15 card is a huge gap) when the auction ends, who is looking for that card during that time, time of day, mood of buyer etc etc. And the other thing that I find interesting is that a lot of people tend to only bring in SV when it benefits them...

I don't knock anyone for using SV if that is what they want to do, but it's just not my cup of tea.
I collect Peyton Manning and Griffey Jr.
My Bucket: http://s444.photobucket.com/albums/qq164/soccerscrub78
[Image: manning-griffeybanner2.jpg]

RE: wow... rant
(07-08-2011, 06:38 AM)bakerman8419 Wrote: When someone tells me that they can get my card for way cheaper on Ebay, I tell them to go buy it on Ebay then... just my $.02
Now this confuses me. Why would you take two pennies and try and turn them into a nickel? Why would you tell person they can get the same card cheaper elsewhere?

I think you misunderstood what he said.

He said IF you can get the card cheaper on ebay then go BUY it off ebay.
The other thing people are not considering is one is TRADE the other is CASH.
Go try trading your cards to sellers...

Quote:Also most people overlook fees. If a card on the bay goes for $25 you should sell it here for $20 as there arent any fees just yet. Why give ebay more cash? Just food for thought.

And technically there IS a charge on HERE.
Buying is supposed to be done BY the system.

RE: wow... rant
i go by bv almost always and this tebow is the sweet spot helmet of 25 now this books 250. there hasent been one sell in the past weeks so you cant check the recent ebay purchases so i have to go by bv then. well i think the tebow would sell around 180v-200 because of how rare so you cant tell me the cards he offered would sell for full book i dont think so.. if you think this was a fair offer you are crazy dez his cards are going down right now and colt mccoy is in cleveland thats his problem
i also agree with soccerscrub i dont sell much right now and it depends on how many people see it when buying. when someone tells me they trade by sv i politely cancel the trade sorry floyd had to copy that quote it fits perfect) it always seems they take the lowest price my card sold for and the highest price theres sells for and then say its fair when the card im trading books WAY more and sells way more except like once when nobody noticed it
Betts Hursh Kimbrel Smile

[Image: bd2740c1-d591-4332-b7b1-0528f205c994_zpsdbff6c02.jpg]

RE: wow... rant
Don't confuse buying/selling with trading. Those are 2 different areas. Trading to me is and should be done by BV unless you have a 1of1 or something not listed then configure does come into play for trading purposes. But BV for trading is in my opinion is the only way to go.

Not trying to trade over 2 for 1! Thanks!

RE: wow... rant
(07-08-2011, 05:55 AM)bakerman8419 Wrote: Seperate issue from the original post. Book Value is a joke guys. Its so inconsistent in so many ways. A card is only worth what kind of cash it can get in return not what a books says its worth.

I bet its an age issue. If you are over 35 years old you go by bv because you are used to it while if you are a younger trader you go by ebay sales.

Bottom line IMO using common sense, ebay is more accurate than beckett can ever be. The cash value of your card is the true value. Book value is a perceived value. A lot of folks are having a tough time trading and are calling each other names and are placing traders on the ignore list because of this issue.

Here is my point:

I own this

[Image: 04-01-2011022828PM.jpg]

I can easily get $125-$150 cash for it while the bv dropped from $200-$150 recently while sales on it are up.

If I sent a trade offer for a 2010 Contenders Sam Bradford auto RC which books at $300 people would say Im trying to scam them and Im a horrible guy etc. because bv is way off. However just take a look at the sales on the bradford and the manning that I own. THEY ARE ALMOST IDENTICAL!!!!

Everyone needs to take a step back and realize there will never be a universal way to trade. Its to complicated. In fact Ive been thinking of giving up on trading all together and just sticking to buying and selling. I buy what I think is fair and I sell for a price I think is fair. At the end of the day trading creates more headaches than I feel is warranted. To much bv brainwashing has ruined the hobby IMO.

People say ebay isnt the only way to determine value and isnt the only way to buy or sell cards. That may be true but its also true that ebay is used more than any other source and more people use ebay to buy and sell than any other source. Which to me means its the most reliable.

I think when people say I only stick with my good traders that doesnt mean those traders are better than the other traders, it just means that trade/buy/sell using similar terms.

I use sv more than bv because I feel its more precise than an outdated price guide but since a lot of members use bv I still subscribe to an opg because they may have something I need.

Sorry this got long but bv vs sv drives me insane. SV is the way to go guys/gals. The money itself is more important than a book.
I also wanted to say Im not in this hobby for profit. I just love collecting cards period. I cant speak for all the different players out there but as for Marino there are a ton of Marino autos that book at $300 that only sell for $80-$100 while some other cards (including my manning would go for at $125 while having a lower bv).

What is fair? Each collector has their own choice. Id easily trade my Manning for a Marino even though Im losing $25 because Im a Marino nut. But I wouldnt do it for any other player.

$300 bv with a $100sv

for a

$150 bv with a $125sv
I am totally screwed then cause, Cowboy cards(most of them)sell for way more than they even book. A perfect example 2008 Spa Felix Jones rc/patch/auto recently the BV went down to $60 if you can believe that. Every one on ebay right now is at least $125 cash. BV is actually doing me a favor on alot of stuff. Not going against your point B-man, I know exactly what you are saying on SV and most cards, you can get them way cheaper, but for my PC, it isnt cost effective for alot of cards. Not all, but some.

RE: wow... rant
I honestly do not know anyone who would trade a $150 bv that they could sell for $125 for another $150 that they can buy for $50 whether its a PC card or not. Why would you rip yourself off or try to rip the other guy off? Both go into a trade knowing the bv and the sv in most cases so I ask if cards are worth money shouldnt sv play a bigger role?

For example: 100 $5.00 cards of Rob Konrad (former Phins fullback) would not be equal 100 $5.00 cards of Peyton Manning. So what would be a fair trade offer there? Id love to clear out a lot of no namer phins base from all of you but know I will end up giving up more than I have to just simply because the b/vs will equal the same while cash value is way off. See what Im saying?

I really do not believe there are as many bad traders out there as people think. There are just too many factors that come into play and ruin the process of a good solid trade. $1000 worth of base cards may get $10 on the bay. B/V inflates the amount IMO.

Im also tired of seeing cards that sell for $80-$100 book at only $120 but cards that book at $250 sell for only $80-$100. How can I possibly trade with anyone who is strictly by the book in this instance?

Someone who is a lot smarter than I am needs to come up with a new way to determine value as book value is old and outdated. A lot of things have changed over the last 25 years perhaps its time Beckett changes as well.
(07-08-2011, 07:23 AM)thelegendjerryrice Wrote: Now this confuses me. Why would you take two pennies and try and turn them into a nickel? Why would you tell person they can get the same card cheaper elsewhere?
I think you misunderstood what he said.

He said IF you can get the card cheaper on ebay then go BUY it off ebay.
The other thing people are not considering is one is TRADE the other is CASH.
Go try trading your cards to sellers...

And technically there IS a charge on HERE.
Buying is supposed to be done BY the system.

I dont think the sell part of the organize is up and running just yet. I understood what he said I just dont get that way of thinking. If your card gets $20 on the bay (on average) why ask $30 for it?
Unique Cards:
Dolphins - 6000+
Marino - 2140
Zach Thomas - 869
Jason Taylor - 749
Lamar Miller - 341

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