Bill made it into the Hall for one thing, and one thing only ... single handedly beating one of the most potent of the Yankees teams with one swing of his bat. If not for that HR I do not think he would have been a household name. He went from a local above-average, Pittsburgh player to a national hero for all the Pittsburgh fans and Yankee haters. His stats are barely okay (.260 BA,138 HR) his fielding admirable for a second baseman, and he may very well have been the greatest teammate ever, but like some in the Hall, he just does not belong. IMO. I have nothing against him personally since I never met him, nor was I a Yankee fan when he beat them, but as a baseball fan today, if the bar for being in the Hall is set that low, I have a few dozen more deserving players to induct immediately.
I guess if I saved used tinfoil and used tea bags instead of old comic books and old baseball cards, the difference between a crazed hoarder and a savvy collector is in that inherent value.