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So what did you get with your eBay Bucks?

RE: So what did you get with your eBay Bucks?
(07-03-2012, 05:59 PM)onemanstanding Wrote: Does eBay exist without sellers?


Do they have millions of sellers?


Do they charge too much in fees?


Do sellers get charged again by PayPal?


Does eBay own PayPal?


Do you see why it would be nice if eBay shared some eBay bucks with sellers (i.e., just giving them some of their fees back instead of giving them to buyers?) [FYI buyers make the world go round not sellers]

Uh, nothing? Ever sold a card on eBay, then paid final sale fees to both eBay and PayPal? [You dont have to use PayPal, who should pay the fees? Remember its a business. Visa charges vendors 3% also are you going to stop using that too?]

Yeah, really well said.

Does eBay exist without sellers?

Nope. [Does Card manufacturer exist without collectors?]

Do they have millions of sellers?

Yep. [Good thing they do because I like to search for the best deal]

Do they charge too much in fees?

Yep. [Depends on what you consider to much? How much would you get for a card at a card shop? 25-30% BV]

Do sellers get charged again by PayPal?

Yep. [You dont have to accept PayPal, money order or cash works nicely]

Does eBay own PayPal?

Yep. [Its a Business not a non profit organization]

Sorry but I had to put my 2 cents in, you want fee free transactions then I recommend Craigslist but you wont find the buyer market very strong.

Good lord, here we go with the hair splitting.

I never said I didn't like selling on eBay.

All I said was it would be great if sellers got eBucks too, you know, as a perk?

The only "perk" that sellers get is a chance to sell more stuff for lower listing fees — but the final sale fees do not change!

But thanks for the input.

Not really splitting hairs, does anyone else remember selling their cards back in the 80-90's. 1st you had to find a shop and then they would pick through your stuff and low ball you for resale value. I love eBay and have sold 1000's of items on there with no complaints on fees via paypal or eBay. Why should sellers get something? I think they got cold hard cash in their paypal account which is good enough for me, they are making probably 30-40% more on eBay than in a local market.

Main question to ask yourself is how many times have you found something to purchase then asked yourself I wonder how much I can get it on eBay for?

You are entitled to your opinion just like everyone else but just be prepared for comments like mine. I really enjoy a good debate.

I'll quote myself, again:

I never said I didn't like selling on eBay.

You are correct about the advantages.


I'll quote myself, again:

All I said was it would be great if sellers got eBucks too, you know, as a perk?

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RE: So what did you get with your eBay Bucks? - by rjcj2017 - 07-03-2012, 06:15 PM

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