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Autographs and Jersey cards hurting the hobby?

RE: Autographs and Jersey cards hurting the hobby?
Love the 90's inserts...

hate the high cost of packs/boxes these days. I am trying to force myself to stop buying cards, but it is hard. The addiction of collecting cardboard keeps getting to me. I had to stop drinking, so I can support my card collection... well, didn't really stop, but slowed down drinking my money away.

How many kids under 18 yrs old do you know that collect sports cards? Not too many! I have yet to find a kid in San Diego that collects sports cards, & nobody collects basketball cards in SD... at least in my experience of talking to people I have met or people that go into my LCS...

Most of my friends laugh when they find out I collect basketball cards. they say "why bother" save your money & spend it on a car or exotic trips. I've already traveled the wold a few times. I am no longer in the Navy, so I am not making the big paycheck I once used to. I had to take a $20-25 thousand dollar paycut.. SUCKS, huh! so I do not have the extra money to burn. I've bought two cases of cards in 2012. Don't think I will buy any more wax for awhile. I am going to focus on completing the few sets still on my list to complete & chase some more 90's insert sets... instead of buying the overpriced wax of today's cad industry... I love autos.. don't care too much for patch/jersey cards.. all those jerseys & autos makes the price of product rise...

why not lower the amount of autos & jerseys made. stop redemptions!! if you can't obtain the auto.. don't produce the card.. most autos are stickers anyways... throw some other player into that slot. or make a card that didn't need the auto on it.. i.e. base/regular non-auto card.. make it simple! saving card manufacturer's time & effort by not having to track redemptions or fulfill them..

high dollar products killed the card collecting industry... it's not for kids anymore... it's for rich people..
MY BUCKETT: http://photobucket.com/jpleazme
*United States Navy*

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RE: Autographs and Jersey cards hurting the hobby? - by jpleazme805 - 05-08-2012, 05:30 PM

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