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Don't you just cringe when.......

RE: Don't you just cringe when.......
(04-25-2012, 07:04 PM)creativemunky Wrote: Ok. I have several points to make.

#1. This guy ONLY comes on here when he gets word that someone has mentioned him to defend himself to potential customers. He has never contributed to this community in any other POSITIVE way.

#2. "Never shill bid"
Would have to be naive to believe that.
Here is an example from a few months back:

Bidder Information
Bidder: s***c ( 112Feedback score is 100 to 499)
Feedback: 100% Positive
Item description: Item Title:
Bids on this item:

30-Day Summary
Total bids: 2066
Items bid on: 2037
Bid activity with this seller: 89%
Bid retractions: 0
Bid retractions (6 months): 0

If you think that someone bid on 2037 items in a 30 day period with 89% of the bids going to this seller exclusively are all 100% legit, then I have a flat screen TV signed by Babe Ruth i'd like to sell you.
Of EVERYTHING on eBay, someone just happened to like 1800 (roughly) of JUST this seller's stuff? Really?

Finally #3. I noticed he never mentioned about the forged Kobe autograph I seen being sold on his eBay name. And just in case he does say something, If he claims he never sold this Kobe card:

The bidder you are questioning is SwagCards. He has already stated this before on a different forum. If you don't know who he is, he is the #1 seller on COMC. I don't know why he only buys from us, I just know he buys a lot and he pays for everything. Can provide screenshots of payments if you really want. How much is your Babe Ruth TV?

As far as the Kobe, it looks like we did some last year # 230659459529, 220816750939, 230618276672. I did not know it was fake. If I did, it obviously would not have been listed. We never received an email or complaint while any of these were listed or I would have looked into it. Again, if they are fake they were sold unknowingly and I apologize.

(04-25-2012, 07:26 PM)MrSwankTank21 Wrote: Well, here's my two cents. Boyd- after looking at your profile and seeing that you ONLY comment on these boards when someone is "calling you out" is pretty sketchy. Maybe if you were a little more reputable on these boards then people would want to hear your side of the story, but seeing as you only talk on here after someone has something bad to say about you, doesn't show much to all of us.

I don't have the time to frequent these boards. Have been a member since 1997, so that should say something. We are very reputable on the biggest marketplace in the world to sell items. I'm sick of the lies, just trying to set the record straight.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Don't you just cringe when....... - by djohn - 04-25-2012, 12:04 PM
RE: Don't you just cringe when....... - by bigboyd3 - 04-25-2012, 07:27 PM

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