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Allen Ginter JFK 1/1 Relic hits E-bay.... Sold by none other than...

RE: Allen Ginter JFK 1/1 Relic hits E-bay.... Sold by none other than...
(07-26-2011, 11:22 AM)cincycap83 Wrote: ZENAS, you really need to keep that mouth of yours shut.

There is nothing illegal about pack searching, and in most cases if you were to go ask the manager of WalMart if you are allowed to do it they would say yes. There's certainly no law against it. The only ones who damage product are idiots like you that dont know what they are doing. Thats almost comical that you'd say that, because its clearly obvious that you have zero idea of what you are talking about, yet you act like your an expert on the subject. If it were illegal in any way, stores would not allow it, eBay would not allow the selling of hotpacks. If you ran to a cop and say "hey, that man is getting the jersey cards without buying all the packs!" the cop would laugh at you and tell you to grow the F up.

Resealing packs is not pack searching, it is resealing packs. Dont jumble it all together like its the same thing because its not. Different ballgame completely

Oh an thank you moderator for editing my post. I love censorship its really awesome

resealing is pack searching. "thumbing" is pack searching, and damages the product, which is also illegal

i think you need a time out. youre getting a little cranky

and not for nothing: that isnt censorship

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RE: Allen Ginter JFK 1/1 Relic hits E-bay.... Sold by none other than... - by jacobystealshome - 07-26-2011, 11:37 AM

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