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If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...

If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...
Ive been trying to be more active on the site as of late since leaving a few years back. The problem back in the day is really what the problem is today that makes it difficult for people to stay active. We all get charged a monthly or annual rate to use the Org, which imo is an amazing tool for organizing. However, trading sucks... I like to think im pretty easy to get along with and willing to trade down on some very significant cards. I try to be flexible as well, but come on please stop submitting offers for $30, $40, $100, $250 cards knowing that nothing in your org is more than $5. I get trying to dump some trash for significant cards if a member will bite, but this is the sole reason i left the site to begin with as well as a ton of other members i met though the years and still talk to today. If people want the site to boom again start listing stuff or submitting offers worth others people time. Back 4 or 5 years ago you couldn't make a post without it getting buried by others members posting as well. Now people make posts and it will sit on the first page for weeks. Just sad...

I get social media has a lot to do with it, but something a lot of people don't have is what the org brings. Organization and a massive list of all your cards for members to view all day.

Now a lot of you might jump on me for this post and some will blast me for not responding to offers. Ill admit sometimes its intentional out of frustration of trying to stretch to find something in your org worth trading for and other times I just long on for a long period of time due to my job and other avenues to deal on.

With that being said. Not trying to offend anyone... Hopefully what I wrote makes sense and I know a lot of members can relate to it. Just trying to get the site going again and met new members. There is a lot of guys on here that still know me and made a lot of trades with me and know how I works. Lets knock out some deals... I have a ton listed in my org and just about anything can be had. All I ask is you bring it and be fair.

Sorry for the rant

Feel free to comment but positive and negative (even if its directed towards me) I can take it.
1. Nolan Arenado RCs (all colors)
2. Ken Griffey Jr (90s inserts)
3. Bryce Harper RCs (all colors)
4. Mookie Betts 
5. Juan Soto

RE: If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...
I have a few things to say about this.

First and foremost, I know you Rich and you have always been an easy-to-work-with and outstanding trader, in my opinion.

Second, I have found that the majority of "high roller" traders who deal strictly in high-end cards simply aren't around much, if at all, anymore. I'm not saying that is either good or bad because...

Third, the majority of people who still trade on this site (myself included) either are or have shifted to different collecting strategies. There was a time when I was quite active trying to grow my HOF auto PC which eventually required high-end trades and/or purchases but with a teenage daughter and all the added financial outlay that entails (car insurance, prom dresses, etc...) it became unfeasible to continue collecting cards in that way. So I decided that, in order to keep collecting fun and interesting having a limited card budget, I needed to shift away from the higher end and try something else. Hence, the expansion of my Milwaukee Brewer collection. I have had many rewarding trades with many excellent traders here the last year or two that usually resulted in trades having total BVs of $25 or less and that has expanded my Brewer collection from a few hundred cards to a few thousand and I couldn't be happier!

I believe that as the high end guys came and went, the team and set collectors that have always been here still are and are still very active in the trading aspect of the site, if not so much posting on the boards. So, for me and my usual low-end collecting philosophy, that's perfect. Now, that's not to say that there are no high end traders and threads here anymore but I don't think we will ever see the volume of threads and posts of top tier stuff that was very apparent 4 to 5 years ago, as you referred to.

And, finally, I'm of the opinion that one should never need to apologize for a rant thread. Part of what makes these boards enjoyable is the ability for people to get pet peeves off of their chests. Sometimes people agree and sometimes they don't but there is usually a respect and decorum that us members have for each other that keeps the comments from getting too negative or out of line.

Of course, this is just my 2 cents worth!
Collecting Robin Yount, Brewers Topps parallels, Brewers autos and Jonathan Lucroy in a Brewers uni.

Lucroy Brewers Collection : 589/596 non 1/1's (98.8%) and 65 1/1's

RE: If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...
I totally understand the original rant, as I have a mix of cards in my ORG and tend to keep some of the hot new stuff out unless someone asks for it in trade. However I could add to that rant as well as rant in another direction.
First, I hate when I send a trade and I tend to specifically state "if you don't see anything you want, then let me know what you're looking for" and the other person simply declines the trade, responds with "I don't see anything I want" and then just declines the trade. I have a collection somewhere around a million different cards, and there is no way I can put them all in ORG and maintain it since Beckett is not the only place I buy/sell/trade cards.
Second, I hate when I am working on a set and only want common base cards and the other person only wants whatever the hottest selling cards are from me.
Unfortunately, due to the second item I have become slower and slower with uploading hot new cards to my ORG for trade. Also, the fact that Beckett can be way delayed with updating pricing and then when they do it can be a massive jump, has lead me to remove a lot of the hot rookies that I used to have listed.

The fact that I also collect certain players means there are times I am guilty of sending over a trade offer wanting a $50+ card, but not having many listed in my ORG. However I almost always state that I have plenty more cards not listed in my ORG.

My best advice is simply reply to the trade letting the other trader know that there is nothing of equal value that you're interested in and see if they can come up with anything to add to their ORG or if they end the trade themselves. After all, trading on here should be fun and with the few good people still actively trading it is a shame to see one go simply because of frustration or lack of communication.
Collecting John Stockton, Karl Malone, Ivan Rodriguez, Gary Carter & UF player rookie year cards.  Plus Jedd Gyorko rookie and prospect cards.
Jedd Gyorko 2010-2013: Have 329/419 including 1/1s
Wantlist: http://sites.google.com/site/sportscardsite/set-needs/

RE: If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...

I haven't traded on here in years either. When active I completed fairly large trades regularly. I think you are spot on with the "but come on please stop submitting offers for $30, $40, $100, $250 cards knowing that nothing in your org is more than $5" I used to get that all the time. When I would decline I would then get the PM asking why I did't want to trade anymore.

I've lurked around the boards the last few days and there is just hardly any activity. I would love to pay for organize and trade but I just can't justify it at this point. I guess like all things "they just aren't like they used to be"

I'm going to keep hanging around and if business picks up I'll be back full force.

RE: If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...
I still use my org as a way to keep everything I have organized. That also means that, aside from my PC stuff, what I have on hand is marked as available for trade, so if anyone is looking to deal, please check me. Cheers!
Trading for cut autos of baseball HOFers I don't have, autos of current and future Cleveland Guardians, and anything else that catches my eye!

RE: If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...
I have only completed 4 trades with cards of $50 value or higher. 2 of these were super easy because the other person had nice cards and knew it; the other 2 were a tougher go as several offers were made but the selection in return was minimal. So, now, whenever I get a really nice card out of a box break that I don't want to keep, it is a tough decision whether to send to COMC to sell or try and make a fair trade here.

There are a few traders on Beckett that have a lot of inventory above $50 each...but finding the PC card in return is still difficult.

RE: If members would actully load decent cards into their orgs...
I have to agree with the rants. I once had a trade off come over to me for a couple of my extra Jeter cards.I think the total was maybe $60 or $70. Not a big deal, but when I trade Jeter's I do expect some Jeters back, if you don't have Jeters, there's other players I could use. Anyway, the trader told me he "doesn't trade away any Jeter's or higher value cards." I said that's fine, stick this trade somewhere.
[Image: 2p7g0XL.png]

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