(02-16-2012, 09:26 PM)gamblersheaven Wrote: Is there a place to post about people who you've agreed to trade with, they were supposed to send first, but they never sent the cards. I've accepted trades with 2 people lately who were new and agreed to send first, but never sent the cards. I'm guessing if I wouldn't have made them send first, I would have lost my cards. I know I didn't lose any cards, but I could have. I don't want to post here if I shouldn't, but I'm just curious to see if this should be posted.
If it has been more than 2-3 weeks since they said they would ship AND they aren't responding to PM's, definitely post their names here. Even though you aren't out anything yet, others may be out of cards already b/c they were also newbies (or MSF's) and expected cards to be shipped at the same time they sent out their cards.