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2012 Bowman Platinum 5 case break and contest thread [CONTESTS CLOSED]

RE: 2012 Bowman Platinum 5 case break and contest thread [CONTESTS CLOSED]
Box #5 Summary

Grade: A
Comments: Two Trouts, a Lawrie, and a Bubba Redemption makes this a C+ case at current prices, but a steal at presell prices. This was a middle of the road case for me – not the best, and not the worst, but still pretty awesome.

Five Case Break Summary

Grade: A+
Comments: Most of my incredible value this break was merely a function of getting in early, before anyone understood how potent this product was going to be (thanks to last year’s disaster). As this product approached release, message boards were lighting up with scorn for the Platinum product based on past history, and predictions that the product would stink. As always, speculators are sometimes right, sometimes wrong, and always geniuses in hindsight. In that a case cost $1000 a couple weeks ago and now costs $1500, the naysayers were indisputably wrong, though some are still twisting themselves in pretzels trying to sound smart.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m definitely not saying I knew in advance the product would be so successful. My point is this: don’t listen to speculators. Choose a product you like and let the chips fall. Sometimes you’ll feel like a genius, sometimes you’ll feel like you waster money, but either way you’ll have something you enjoy.

That said, I *still* think this product is worth buying, even at market-inflated prices. If I hadn’t bought presell, I would still go in at $1500, and if I had unlimited funds I would buy some more right now. But I need to save my pennies for Bowman Chrome, which may be a success, or may be a total bust. That’s part of the fun.

Contest winners, I've sent you messages, and look forward to sending you your goodies. See you all in a couple of months!


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RE: 2012 Bowman Platinum 5 case break and contest thread [CONTESTS CLOSED] - by pyweed - 07-31-2012, 08:29 PM

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