Sweet pulls: Collector finds Bill Russell treasure in Topps Treasury

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Ever wonder what some of the bigger pulls out of brand new products look like?

Of course you do. (We all do. Trust me.)

But have you ever found one of those monster cards yourself? We want to know.

Rick Jackson of Swartz Creek, Mich., found this gem — an autographed Bill Russell magenta (1/1) printing plate out of 2008-09 Topps Treasury Basketball.

Want to know what he said about landing this big one? Look for it in the December issue of Beckett Sports Card Monthly.

Look for the November issue of BSCM in stores this week.

Chris Olds has collected sports cards and memorabilia since 1987. Before coming to Beckett Media, he wrote about the hobby for the Orlando Sentinel on his blog, SportsStuff, and for the San Antonio Express-News and The Tuscaloosa (Ala.) News. Do you have a comment, question or idea? Send e-mail to him at colds@beckett.com.

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