2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 Trading Cards Checklist and Details
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2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 trading cards are a go. This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise given how popular the first set turned out to be.
The second go-around is a lot like the first only with a new batch of episodes to draw from. Sketch Cards and Autographs both play prominent roles once again. This time around, both are box hits.
2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 Trading Cards Overview
Autographs come from the show’s voice actors. Collectors can find multiple cards from signers who play more than one character. Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland, Tom Kenny (the voice of Spongebob Squarepants) and Chris Parnell are among those with new autographs in 2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2.
Sketch cards come from a variety of artists. These all have original art drawn on the cards themselves, making each a one-of-a-kind of sorts.
Totally Fabricated cards arrive with a fairly large checklist. These play off the memorabilia card craze, offering a wink and a nudge to the fact that these are not exactly the real deal.
CZ STR PWR continue their tradition as a tough chase set. Red versions are 1:144 packs and parallels only get tougher from there.
In addition to these are a handful of other easier and more straightforward insert sets, all of which shouldn’t be too hard (or expensive) to complete.
The Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 base set has a modest 45 cards. These cover the best moments in the show’s second batch of episodes.
A binder is available separately and comes with a Totally Fabricated card not available in packs.
2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 trading cards at a glance:
Cards per pack: 5
Packs per box: 24
Boxes per case: 12
Set size: 45 cards
Release date: April 17, 2019
What to expect in a hobby box:
- Autographs – 1
- Sketch Cards – 1
2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 Checklist
Base Set Checklist
45 cards.
Silver Foil Board – (1:3 packs)
Plumbus Deco Foil – (1:8 packs)
Printing Plates – 1/1 (1:424 packs, each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions)
1 Teaching Grandkids a Lesson
2 Behind Bars
3 Locked and Loaded
4 Rick to the Rescue
5 Safe and Sound
6 No Code of Ethics
7 Roy: A Life Well Lived
8 Silent But Deadly
9 Jerryboree
10 Racial Insensitivity
11 Beta-Seven Arrives
12 Race War
13 Flying Under the Influence
14 Unity TV
15 Blim Blam
16 Romantic Excursion
17 Parasite Extermination
18 Bad Memories
19 Cromulon Invasion
20 A Man of Many Talents
21 The Ascension
22 Bird Culture Ethics
23 Planet Music
24 Peace Among Worlds
25 Keep Summer Safe
26 Miniverse
27 Science Vs. Science
28 Escape from the Teenyverse
29 Jerry’s Mytholog
30 Tiny Rick
31 Emo Streak
32 Get It Together
33 Teen Angst
34 Important Member
35 Human Wisdom
36 Purge Planet
37 Aspiring Screenwriter
38 Going Overboard
39 Dinner for the Elite
40 Feels Good
41 Exchanging Vows
42 The Real Tammy
43 Small World
44 Rick Locked Up
45 Cliffhanger
2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 Autographs Checklist
58 cards.
1:24 packs.
AT-C Alan Tudyk as Chris /300
BJ-MG Brandon Johnson as Mr. Goldenfold /300
CK-A Chelsea Kane as Arthricia
CP-AJ Chris Parnell as Another Jerry /25
CP-GJ Chris Parnell as Goatee Jerry /25
CP-HJ Chris Parnell as Heroic Jerry /25
CP-JS2 Chris Parnell as Jerry Smith /25
CP-OJ Chris Parnell as Other Jerry /25
CP-SH Chris Parnell as Shaved Head Jerry /25
CP-TT Chris Parnell as Tank Top Wearing-Jerry /25
CP-WJ Chris Parnell as Worm Jerry /25
CS-TG Cassie Steele as Tammy Gueterman
GAW-AA Gary Anthony Williams as Assimilated Alien 4 /250
GAW-BA Gary Anthony Williams as Business Alien /250
GC-AD Gary Cole as Alien Doctor
JH-S Jess Harnell as Simon /50
JK-BB John Kassir as Blim Blam
JR-C Justin Roiland as Cromulon /25
JR-EM Justin Roiland as Eyeholes Man /25
JR-MR Justin Roiland as Mr. Poopybutthole /25
KD-RG Keith David as Reverse Giraffe
KD-TP Keith David as The President
KMR-F Kevin Michael Richardson as Frankenstein /200
KMR-H Kevin Michael Richardson as Hamurai /100
KMR-MR Kevin Michael Richardson as Mrs. Refrigerator /200
KS-GN Kurtwood Smith as General Nathan
KW-J2 Kari Wahlgren as Jessica /50
KW-RW Kari Wahlgren as Roy’s Wife /50
ML-A Maurice LaMarche as Military Adviser /25
ML-MG Maurice LaMarche as Military General /25
ML-MP Maurice LaMarche as Miniverse President /50
ML-ND Maurice LaMarche as NASA Director /25
ML-R Maurice LaMarche as Rabbi /25
RR-CN Ryan Ridley as Cousin Nicky /50
RR-HV Ryan Ridley as Head Vampire /25
RR-LK Ryan Ridley as Lighthouse Keeper /50
RR-RD Ryan Ridley as Roy’s Doctor /25
RR-TA Ryan Ridley as Tax Attorney /50
SC-BS Sarah Chalke as Beth Smith /100
SC-G Scott Chernoff as Gear Head
SC-GB Sarah Chalke as Goddess Beth /50
SC-PB Sarah Chalke as Plushy Beth /100
SC-X Sarah Chalke as Xenobeth /100
SG-SS Spencer Grammer as Summer Smith /300
TH-DG Tricia Helfer as Donna Gueterman /250
TH-FR Tricia Helfer as Federation Robot /250
TK-AI Tom Kenny as Alien Inmate /50
TK-GN Tom Kenny as Gear Newscaster /50
TK-H Tom Kenny as Hunter /50
TK-NL Tom Kenny as Nazi Leader /50
TK-P Tom Kenny as Pencilvester /50
TK-PO Tom Kenny as Gear Police Officer /50
TK-T Tom Kenny as TSA Gromflamite /50
TK-WB Tom Kenny as Wedding Bartender /50
TM-C Tress MacNeille as Caretaker
TM-RM Tress MacNeille as Roy’s Mother
TS-D Tara Strong as Doctor /150
TS-T Tara Strong as Tinkles /200
2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 Inserts Checklists
Beth Knows Best
9 cards.
1:6 packs.
BKB01 Squanchy Mom
BKB02 Battle-Ready Beth
BKB03 Dicks Out
BKB04 It’s Not God
BKB05 Commitment
BKB06 Mother of the Year
BKB07 Xenobeth
BKB08 Stress Drinking
BKB09 Goddess Beth
Character Cards Checklist
12 cards.
1:3 packs.
C1 Unity
C2 Birdperson
C3 Krombopulos Michael
C4 Fart
C5 Ice-T
C6 Tammy Gueterman
C7 Mr. Poopybutthole
C8 Fourth-Dimensional Being
C9 Zeep Xanflorp
C10 Arthricia
C11 Glaxo Slimslom
C12 Revolio Clockberg Jr.
Crimes of Rick Sanchez Checklist
12 cards.
1:6 packs.
CRS01 Guilty On All Charges
CRS02 Assault and Battery
CRS03 Enslavement
CRS04 Resisting Arrest
CRS05 Vandalism
CRS06 Trafficking Weapons
CRS07 Inciting a Riot
CRS08 Possession of Narcotics
CRS09 Drunk Driving
CRS10 Child Endangerment
CRS11 Indecent Exposure
CRS12 Assault with a Deadly Weapon
9 cards.
1:144 packs.
Blue – (1:288 packs)
Gold – /25
Black – 1/1
SP1 Rick Sanchez
SP2 Morty Smith
SP3 Jerry Smith
SP4 Beth Smith
SP5 Summer Smith
SP6 Birdperson
SP7 Mr. Poopybutthole
SP8 Krombopulos Michael
SP9 Zeep Xanflorp
Face the Music Checklist
9 cards.
1:3 packs.
M01 Get Schwifty
M02 Get Schwifty
M03 Goodbye Moonmen
M04 Goodbye Moonmen
M05 Goodbye Moonmen
M06 Summer and Tinkles
M07 Summer and Tinkles Rap
M08 Let Me Out
M09 Head Bent Over
Interdimensional Cable II Checklist
12 cards.
1:3 packs.
IDC1 Man Vs. Car
IDC2 Eyeholes
IDC3 Jan Quadrant Vincent 16
IDC4 The Adventures of Stealy
IDC5 Lil’ Bits
IDC6 Opposite News with Michael Thompson
IDC7 Cooking Things with Pichael Thompson
IDC8 How They Do It
IDC9 Butthole Ice Cream Parlor
IDC10 Personal Space
IDC11 How Did I Get Here?
IDC12 Octopus Man
Metal Cards
9 cards.
Available exclusively at conventions and not in packs.
M1 Krombopulos Michael
M2 Zeep Xanflorp
M3 Tammy Gueterman
M4 Rick Sanchez
M5 Cromulon
M6 Birdperson
M7 Morty Smith
M8 The President of the United States
M9 Unity
Stickers Checklist
15 cards.
1:3 packs.
S1 Amish Cyborg/Mr. Poopybutthole
S2 Baby Wizard/Scarface Bear
S3 Tinkles/Big Robot
S4 Pencilvester/Photography Raptor
S5 Mrs. Refrigerator/Ghost in a Jar
S6 Sleepy Gary/Hamurai
S7 Uncle Steve/Reverse Giraffe
S8 Cousin Nicky/Big Duck
S9 Sun with Sunglasses/Mr. Beauregard
S10 Rick and Morty Monster
S11 Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub
S12 Rick and Morty Alien
S13 Schrödinger’s Cat/Plumbus
S14 Jerryboree Flyer/Blips and Chitz Sign
S15 Screaming Sun/Cromulon
Totally Fabricated Checklist
20 cards.
1:60 packs.
B1 Toy Antennae – binder exclusive, not in packs
CE1 Rick’s Bloody Lab Coat /100 – available on at LA Comic Con, not in packs
TF01 Squanchy’s Fur
TF02 Dinglebop
TF03 Confetti
TF04 Stealy’s Chloroform Rag
TF05 Beth’s Surgical Gloves
TF06 Plushy Beth
TF07 Yummy’ Yums Wrapper
TF08 Morty’s Tribal Mask
TF09 Rick’s Sombrero
TF10 Ricksgiving Float
TF11 Headism Hat
TF12 Fart’s Golden Poop
TF13 Gear Vomit
TF14 Roy’s Carpet
TF15 Tammy’s Wedding Ring
TF16 Zeep’s Alien Costume
TF17 Eyeholes
TF18 Never Past Bedtime Land
Sketch Cards
2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 Sketch Cards Checklist
1:24 packs.
136 artists.
Jeff Abar
Ruvel Abril
Bryan Abston
Irma Ahmed
Kristin Allen
Nathan Anderson
Simone Arena
Israel Arteaga
Preston Asevedo
Orlando Baez
Mitch Ballard
Stefanie Battalene
Adam Everett Beck
Mary “Zorilita” Bellamy
Jeffrey Benitez
Brandon “B.Done” Blevins
Andy Bohn
Dan Borgoños
Emanuel Braga
Denver Brubaker
Jomar Bulda
Steven Burch
Kyle Burles
Dan Burn Webster
Aurelio C.
Keegan Cahanes
Neil Camera
Kate Carleton
Christopher Chamberlain
Christina Charbali
Adam & Bekah Cleveland
Deborah Colares
Rene Cordova
Carolyn Craggs
Andres Cruz
Gerald de Dios
Brian DeGuire
Pablo Diaz
Mark Dos Santos
Roberto Duque
Luro ersal
Andrew Fernandes
Lucy Fidelis
Mark Finneral
Cesar Flores
Autumn Frederickson
Bruce Gerlach
Phil Gibson
Patrick Giles
Benjamin Glendenning
Dan Gorman
J Hammond
Matt Hebb
Jason Heil
Edgar A. Hernandez
Eric hite
Luiza Ho
John “JAX” Jackman
Robert Jimenez
Karl Jones
Phil Juliano
Caleb King
Achilleas Kokkinakis
Brian Kong
Taylan Kurtulus
Alfret Le
David Lee
Mike Legan
Cleber Lima
Steve Lydic
Bill Maus
Jim Mehsling
Diego Mendes
Barush Merling
Roe Mesquita
Milk Studio
Alex Mines
Vicente Moavero
Hanie Mohd
Remy “Eisu” Mokhtar
Rich Molinelli
Logan Monette
Jason Montoya
Jessica Moore
Geoff Munn
Michael Munshaw
David Namisato
Howie Noel
Jim ORiley
John Ottinger
Chris Papantoniou
Norvierto Payupan Basio
Chris Pilch
Brandon Pyle
Fabian Quintero
Cathy Razim
Brian Reindel
Holly Ringsell
Alan Rodjal
Justin Roiland
David Angelo Roman
Rafael Sá
Jim Sabo
Jason Saldajeno
Jose Carlos Sanchez
Edward Santia
Chad Scheres
Anthony C Sciscioli
Brent Scotchmer
Rebecca Sharp
Gary Shipman
Luiza Simão
shaow siong
Jeff Sornig
Omar Soto
Alex Starling
Al Stefano
Julio Suarez
Matthew Sutton
Dave “Pops” Tata
Bianca Thompson
Huy Truong
Sanna U.
Magnus VonRobotsson
Niall Westerfield
John F Whitlock
Dave Windett
Joshua Wysocki
Alex Yomare
Ian Yoshio Roberts
2019 Cryptozoic Rick and Morty Season 2 Promo Cards Checklist
P1 Summer/Morty/Rick – New York Comic-Con (Oct, 2018)
P2 Morty in Space – Philly Non-Sports Card Show (Oct, 2018)
P3 Blips and Chitz – Philly Non-Sports Card Show Box Break Promotion (Oct, 2018)
P4 Morty/Beth – Non-Sport Update Magazine (Oct/Nov, 2018)
P5 Yelling Sun – Non-Sport Update Magazine (Oct/Nov, 2018)
P6 Rick in Parka – Non-Sport Update Magazine (Oct/Nov, 2018)
P7 Professor Rick – GTS National Hobby Shop Day (Dec, 2018)
P8 Mountain – Emerald City Comic Con (Mar, 2019)