Post-Finals Status of 3 Popular Stephen Curry Rookies – Beckett Pricing Insider

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Checking the current market status for three popular Stephen Curry rookie cards after his fourth NBA title and firstst Finals MVP: 1. 2009-10 Topps #321 Stephen Curry RC ($800-$1,500) This iconic RC has experienced spikes and dips over the past several years, but a solidified $800-$1,500 value range has remained in place for most of 2022. Despite a post-NBA Finals uptick in market activity, the raw price range remains the same, with some graded Mint 9 copies pushing higher into $2,000 territory. 2. 2009-10 Upper Deck #234 Stephen Curry SP RC ($125-$300) Like its Topps counterpart, the UD rookie is…

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Steve Dalton

Steven enjoys his job tracking and reporting on the basketball card market for Beckett Media. His other interests include comic book speculation and investing, kaiju movies and collectibles, and UK basketball.

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