Pack buster: Panini’s NHL Winter Classic packs

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By Susan Lulgjuraj | Contributing Editor

The NHL Winter Classic on Monday was a special day for those who got to go. A party atmosphere wrapped around a hockey game in a baseball stadium in Philadelphia.

Card collectors got a special surprise at the game when Panini America announced a special giveaway for everyone at the game. Five-card packs of Pinnacle hockey were included in seat cushions given away. The 20-card set was specifically made for the Winter Classic.

I got my hands on about seven or so unopened packs and three others that had already been opened but were left behind after the game.

Check out the video to see what I got, and the gallery below for the cards you can find in the set.

Would you believe after all that I was two cards shy of the complete set?

Susan Lulgjuraj is a contributing editor for Beckett Media. You can email Susan here. Follow her on Twitter here.

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  1. card opinionator 3 January, 2012 at 13:35

    Classic collecting activity. Hunt and gather! It happens at every event there are cards. Majority of people don’t want them. Good job.

  2. Susan Lulgjuraj 3 January, 2012 at 14:28

    Matthew, I can’t do it right now and won’t be in a place where I will be able to scan the backs in the next couple of days. But I’m going to take some pictures of the cards and put those up. I will try to get it done later today. If not, definitely tomorrow.

  3. nick 3 January, 2012 at 20:36

    You were luckier then me I busted eight packs and am 5 cards short : ( do you have any doubles of wc3, wc5, 2,4or 5

  4. John 3 January, 2012 at 22:16

    what have u done with the cards (doubles) that u pulled? Is there anyway you could send some to me or other lucky commenters?

  5. Mero 4 January, 2012 at 10:54


    These are pretty big names in the nhl, 2 are top 5 in goals and plus-minus in the league and Bryz well hes been the talk of recent hockey discussions with his opining on the mysteries of the universe.

    Hockeys a great sport, you should watch it sometime.

  6. Susan Lulgjuraj 4 January, 2012 at 11:37

    I know who the players are. Just because I didn’t pronounce their names the proper way doesn’t mean I do not know.

    FYI, I read a lot. I do not have cable and do not watch TV. So, I don’t hear the pronunciation of players’ names.

    I did my best in trying to pronounce them, and I’m pretty sensitive to difficult last names.

    By chance did you happen to see mine: Lulgjuraj?

    Not easy to pronounce either.

  7. chrisolds 4 January, 2012 at 11:47

    My mantra on “Lulgjuraj” … “Don’t try to spell it. Don’t try to say it. Just copy-and-paste it.”

  8. Kevin 4 January, 2012 at 15:31

    I hate when folks jump on people for mispronouncing player names. Hockey players have crazy names.

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