Moon Knight Key Comics

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The Moon Knight series from Disney+ is approaching. In fact, with a release date set, the countdown has started to March 30th. Now, serious collectors on the comic side of the hobby are no doubt already in the know about which Moon Knight comics are of relevance as they relate to the series. However, for the rest of us on the other side of that coin, here are some Moon Knight Key Comics to help prepare you for the upcoming release.

Moon Knight #1 – November 1980

Marvel published the first ongoing Moon Knight series back in November of 1980. Written by Doug Moench, and illustrated by Bill Sienkiewicz, this book offers Moon Kight’s origin as well as his multiple personalities. In fact, two of those are presented in the form of Steven Grant and Jake Lockley. Furthermore, Moon Knight #1, features the first appearances of Bushman and Knoshu, both of who play key roles in the character’s story arc.

Moon Knight Key Comics

Moon Knight #3 – January 1981

Moench and Sienkiewicz return here in January of 1981 with Moon Knight #3. Key to the Disney+ series as this book features the first appearance of Midnight Man. Sadly, Gaspard Ulliel was cast in this role and he passed away very unexpectedly in an unfortunate skiing accident at the time of this writing. Ulliel’s connection to the character may cause an increased interest in the already hot book. It should be noted that it will most likely be short-lived, but still highly possible.

Moon Knight #2 – July 1985

Moon Knight sees his second series run begins in 1985. This time around Alan Zelenetz and Armando Gil are at the helm for Moon Knight #2. Readers will find Dr. Arthur Harrow’s first appearance here. Keen-eyed viewers of the Moon Knight trailer noticed that Ethan Hawke is referred to as Harrow in the closed-captions. There has already been an enormous jump in interest in this book since the said trailer dropped.

Moon Knight Key Comics

Moon Knight #1 – May 2014

Jumping ahead here nearly three decades, to May of 2014, Moon Knight receives another reboot from Marvel. Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey are taking over the character here with Moon Knight #1. Key to the series as this book is when Marc Spector assumes the role of Moon Knight. This book has five different variant covers, the most expensive of which is a 1:75 cover by the original artist Bill Sienkiewicz.

Moon Knight #188 – January 2018

The final book on our Moon Knight Key Comics list is 2018s Moon Knight #188. Written by Max Bemis and illustrated by Jacen Burrows, this key features the first appearance of the Sun King, the avatar of Ra. Again, interest in this book has jumped after the trailer drop. There is speculation this character will be somehow tied to Hawke’s role in the series. There again, there are also some who think Hawke could be Dracula. We’re all going to have to wait and see.

Moon Knight Key Comics

Aside from these five Moon Knight Key Comics, there are plenty of others that could be featured here in regards to the Disney+ Series. One of those books and perhaps the most important is Marvel Spotlight #2. That book features the origin of Werewolf By Night, who is confirmed for the Disney+ series. However, now it’s a matter of which version will appear, Jake Gomez or Jack Russel.

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Eric Norton

Eric has been collecting cards since he was seven, buying singles with his allowance from the lone card shop in his hometown of Springtown, TX. Currently, Eric’s collecting interest revolve around picking up cards he had in his childhood that he let go of at some point, and Seattle Mariners third basemen, Kyle Seager.

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