Boston Red Sox, World Series champs: Who is their winner on cardboard?
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The Boston Red Sox are your World Series champions. Who do you think is Boston’s biggest winner on cardboard? Tell us with your vote or in the comments below.
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The David Ortiz short print sums it all up on how we live in Boston. As one we stand Strong and I feel that everyday. Unfortunately I had a friend who died in the Marathon Bombings (I won’t reveal the name out of respect for the family) and I carry a piece of my friend in my heart. So when Papi made that speech, everyone in Massachusetts felt every word he said. I still love the live version. Thanks to Topps on capturing the right image for a collector to cherish. And thanks to Beckett for sharing their product with city of Boston and I will continue to be a big fan.
I want that card!
Papi showed in this world series why he SHOULD be a slam dunk for the HOF. Unfortunately, I think there are alot of people who think he is a peripheral candidate.
I think Xander will get the biggest bump. Most of the other guys have been at least mid-level names in the hobby. This is the first time most people have heard of young Mr. Bogearts