2022 Topps Chrome Garbage Pail Kids Original Series 5 Checklist and Details

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The shiny reinterpretations of the GPK gang are moving on up. 2022 Topps Chrome Garbage Pail Kids Original Series 5 wraps up the first third of the 1980s run. This time, it’s reprinted on chromium stock, bringing with it lots of parallels and a few other chase aspects.

2022 Topps Chrome Garbage Pail Kids Original Series 5 Checklist Details

Covering the fifth batch from the original series, the base set runs from #167 through #206. The standard A/B name variations take a complete set up to 80 cards, though. Rather than standard stickers, cards are printed on modern chromium stock giving everything a metallic look.

2022 Topps Chrome Garbage Pail Kids Series 5 Windy WINSTON

The bulk of the chase elements are found in the Refractor parallels, which give every base card well over a dozen different versions based on colors and background patterns:

  • Refractors – 1:3 packs
  • Atomic Refractors – 3 per blaster
  • Green Refractors – /299
  • Green Wave Refractors – /299
  • Yellow Refractors – /275
  • Yellow Wave Refractors – /275
  • Purple Refractors – /250
  • Purple Wave Refractors – /250
  • Aqua Prism Refractors – /199
  • Prism Refractors – /199
  • X-Fractors – /150
  • Black Refractors – /99 (blasters only)
  • Black Wave Refractors – /99 (hobby only)
  • Orange Refractors – /75 (hobby only)
  • Gold Refractors – /50 (blasters only)
  • Rose Gold Refractors – /25
  • Red Refractors – /5 (hobby only)
  • Printing Plates – 1/1
  • Superfractors – 1/1
2022 Topps Garbage Pail Kids Chrome Superfractors MICK Dagger

There are a couple of other variations and spins on the checklist as well.

C-Name Variations keep with the same artwork and gags, giving cards a third name variation.

With a nod to the many production errors and quirks of the 1980s, new No Blue Ink Variations take the color out of the printing process. So if you come across a card that seems off, this might be why.

Finally, some original Garbage Pail Kids artists bring their autographs to the product.

2022 Topps Chrome Garbage Pail Kids Original Series 5 at a glance:

Cards per pack: Hobby – 4, Blaster – 4, Hanger – 4
Packs per box: Hobby – 24, Blaster – 6, Hanger – 5
Boxes per case: Hobby – 12, Blaster – 40, Hanger – 64
Set size: 80 cards
Release date: December 23, 2022

Shop for 2022 Topps Chrome Garbage Pail Kids Original Series 5 boxes on eBay:

What to expect in a hobby box:

  • Refractors – 8

2022 Topps Chrome Garbage Pail Kids Original Series 5 Checklist

You can also download a spreadsheet copy of the checklist:

Please note that print runs for cards without serial numbers have not been announced.

Base Set

100 cards.


  • Refractors
  • Atomic Refractors (3 per blaster)
  • Green Refractors – /299
  • Green Wave Refractors – /299
  • Yellow Refractors – /275
  • Yellow Wave Refractors – /275
  • Purple Refractors – /250
  • Purple Wave Refractors – /250
  • Aqua Prism Refractors – /199
  • Prism Refractors – /199
  • X-fractors – /150
  • Black Refractors – /99 (blasters only)
  • Black Wave Refractors – /99 (hobby only)
  • Orange Refractors – /75 (hobby only)
  • Gold Refractors – /50 (blasters only)
  • Rose Gold Refractors – /25
  • Red Refractors – /5 (hobby only)
  • Printing Plates – 1/1 (each has Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow versions)
  • Superfractors – 1/1

167a MICK Dagger
167b Slayed SLADE
168a Handy RANDY
168b JORDAN Nuts
169a DEE Faced
169b TERRI Cloth
170a RICHIE Retch
170b LUKE Puke
171a WILLIE Wipe-Out
171b SPENCER Dispenser
172a NAT Nerd
172b CLARK Can’t
173a Menaced DENNIS
173b Wormy SHERMY
174a FRED Thread
174b Repaired REX
175a Windy WINSTON
175b JOHNNY One-Note
176a Condo-MINNIE
176b BILL Ding
177a Meltin’ MILTON
177b Lazy LOUIE
178a EARL Painting
178b Blue-Boy GEORGE
179a MOE Skeeto
179b Sting RAY
180a Haunted HOLLIS
180b Batty BARNEY
181a CLIFF Hanger
181b Neck TY
182a Sprayed WADE
182b Tagged TAD
183a Diaper DAN
183b Pinned PENNY
184a Upside-Down DONALD
184b HUGH Turn
185a FRAN Furter
185b Hot DOUG
186a Iron-Jaw AARON
186b JEAN Machine
187a GINGER Snapped
187b Edible ERNIE
188a MEL Meal
188b ROSS Roast
189a BRENDA Blender
189b Juicy LUCY
190a Gory RORY
190b GIL Grill

191a BEN Bolt
191b Fried FRANKLIN
192a Delicate TESS
192b Hamburger PATTIE
193a Shattered SHELBY
193b Cracked CRAIG
194a Nasty NANCY
194b Razzin’ ROSLYN
195a LUCAS Mucus
195b DOTTY Dribble
196a Dangling DOLLY
196b Surreal NEAL
197a Doughy JOEY
197b Starchy ARCHIE
198a Gore MAY
198b CONNIE Sewer
199a Ruptured RUPERT
199b Gassy GUS
200a Flouride FLOYD
200b Dental DANIEL
201a MICHAEL Mutant
201b ZEKE Freak
202a Ultra VIOLET
202b TANYA Hide
203a Toothie RUTHIE
203b Dental FLOSSIE
204a JULES Drools
204b KIT Spit
205a Hot ROD
205b BUD Buggy
206a Deaf GEOFF
206b Audio AUGIE
207a MICK Daggers
207b Super Slayed SLADE
208a Reinforced AARON
208b JEAN Metal Machine
209a ADAM Ball
209b Pin PAUL
210a Top MATT
210b Monop-OLLIE
211a Silver Toothie RUTHIE
211b Glossy FLOSSIE
212a Iron NAT Nerd
212b CLARK Chrome
213a Hardened HOLLIS
213b Unbreakable BARNEY
214a Droopy DOLLY
214b Silvery NEAL
215a Melted MILTON
215b Metallic MAX
216a Welded FRED
216b Riveted REX

Artist Autographs Checklist

22 cards.

167a MICK Dagger
174a FRED Thread
175a WIndy WINSTON
178a EARL Painting
180a Haunted HOLLIS
181a CLIFF Hanger
183a Diaper DAN
184a Upside-Down DONALD
185a FRAN Furter
187a GINGER Snapped
189a BRENDA Blender
206a Deaf GEOFF
207a MICK Daggers
208a Reinforced AARON
209a ADAM Ball
210a Top MATT
211a Silver Toothie RUTHIE
212a Iron NAT Nerd
213a Hardened HOLLIS
214a Droppy DOLLY
215a Melted MILTON
216a Welded FRED

C Name Variations Checklist

50 cards.

167c Sliced DICE
168c AMBY Dextrous
169c FAY Soff
170c Spewing EWING
171c Two-Ply GUY
172c ZEKE Geek
173c Crawly PAULY
174c Patched-Up PAT
175c Gassy MASSEY
176c Wrecked RALPH
177c Squishy CHRISSY
178c Classy CAMILLE
179c Bit KIT
180c Scary TERRY
181c Pull-Up BUCK
182c Wildstyle KYLE
183c Pierced BROSNAN
184c Invert KURT
185c Hot LINK
186c Chomping CHARLES
187c Cookie DOUGH-n’t
188c Im-PAUL-Sible Meat
189c Milkshake BLAKE
190c Barbeque LAROUX
191c Zapped SAUNDERS
192c Delicate TESS
193c Broken OWEN
194c Rude GERTRUDE
195c Drip PING
196c Hanging CHANNING
197c Rolled ROALD
198c Snotty DOTTY
199c FRED Burst
200c Toothpaste TATE
201c Monster MACK
202c Sunburn VERNE
203c PATTY Mouth
204c JOSIAH Saliva
205c Weird WHEELER
206c MAX Volume
207c Aluminum DAN
208c Stuck BUCK
209c Tilted TOMMY
210c Board WALKER
211c CHARLIE Sheen
212c Armor ARIE
213c Fly GUY
215c Liquid LOUIE
216c Alloy MALLOY

No Blue Ink Checklist

50 cards.

BI-167 MICK Dagger
BI-168 Handy RANDY
BI-169 DEE Faced
BI-170 RICHIE Retch
BI-171 WILLIE Wipe-Out
BI-172 NAT Nerd
BI-173 Menaced DENNIS
BI-174 FRED Thread
BI-175 Windy WINSTON
BI-176 Condo-MINNIE
BI-177 Meltin’ MILTON
BI-178 EARL Painting
BI-179 MOE Skeeto
BI-180 Haunted HOLLIS
BI-181 CLIFF Hanger
BI-182 Sprayed WADE
BI-183 Diaper DAN
BI-184 Upside-Down DONALD
BI-185 FRAN Furter
BI-186 Iron-Jaw AARON
BI-187 GINGER Snapped
BI-188 MEL Meal
BI-189 BRENDA Blender
BI-190 Gory RORY
BI-191 BEN Bolt
BI-192 Delicate TESS
BI-193 Shattered SHELBY
BI-194 Nasty NANCY
BI-195 LUCAS Mucus
BI-196 Dangling DOLLY
BI-197 Doughy JOEY
BI-198 Gore MAY
BI-199 Ruptured RUPERT
BI-200 Flouride FLOYD
BI-201 MICHAEL Mutant
BI-202 Ultra VIOLET
BI-203 Toothie RUTHIE
BI-204 JULES Drools
BI-205 Hot ROD
BI-206 Deaf GEOFF
BI-207 MICK Daggers
BI-208 Reinforced AARON
BI-209 ADAM Ball
BI-210 Top MATT
BI-211 Silver Toothie RUTHIE
BI-212 Iron NAT Nerd
BI-213 Hardened HOLLIS
BI-214 Droopy DOLLY
BI-215 Melted MILTON
BI-216 Welded FRED

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Ryan Cracknell

A collector for much of his life, Ryan focuses primarily on building sets, Montreal Expos and interesting cards. He's also got one of the most comprehensive collections of John Jaha cards in existence (not that there are a lot of them). Want to get in touch? Drop him an email.

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