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Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - Printable Version

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Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - slufan83 - 12-30-2011

Going to start off by saying that I'm not going to name names....however, this member has lots of feedback so there really is no reason for this. A little over a month ago I simply posted about a couple cards I pulled from a single 2011 Expo Redemption Pack. My hockey traders were low at the time (as they still are), but I offered to just give them to anyone who wanted them or whoever maybe wanted to toss a couple cheap cards of Oshie my way for them. My first PM for them was from a well known member that told me he'd gladly throw a couple cards my way for them. Of course the Expo cards were not in the database, so we just exchanged addresses and agreed on the trade. Month later, I still have nothing. The member signs on almost daily, even replied to some of my PM's about the deal, and still nothing. No matter how busy we are, tossing a couple cheap cards in a PWE should be a trivial matter that takes a mere 30 seconds. I don't care if they are $2 cards or $100 cards...if you have the time to log in every couple days then you have the time to put a couple cards in the mail. I've since obtained a buncha new Oshie base cards so the whole deal is pretty much now pointless to me. If you're going to be a little late shipping and at least say something about it, that's perfectly fine. But come on, a month? Veteran members should know better. Stupid stuff like this makes me want to just continue buying singles off eBay instead of opening wax and trading. I was thinking about buying a few boxes in a couple weeks since I hadn't opened anything in so long, but this just frustrates me and almost makes me want to end trading all together.

RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - malcolm136 - 12-30-2011

Thats really sad to hear. And im really sorry to hear about that. Alot of members on this site are compleyely exceptional. Id send ypu something but i domt think i have any oshie at all. Il take a look for ypu though. Shoot me a pm to talk! And i hope everything works out for you!

RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - slufan83 - 12-30-2011

(12-30-2011, 02:07 AM)malcolm136 Wrote: Thats really sad to hear. And im really sorry to hear about that. Alot of members on this site are compleyely exceptional. Id send ypu something but i domt think i have any oshie at all. Il take a look for ypu though. Shoot me a pm to talk! And i hope everything works out for you!

Thanks for the reply, but I don't need anyone to send me anything Tongue. I know there are tons of great traders here....heck, I've done well over 400 trades here. You'd be hard pressed to find 1 person (non-international) that hasn't received my end of a trade within 1 week of the deal being agreed on. Just wanted to throw it out there that even the tiny trades shouldn't be brushed off like they are nothing. I trade for the fun factor and to help other out. I understand people have lives, but if you're nearing a month and haven't sent yet, then there is an issue.

RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - rayeates - 12-30-2011

That's pretty rough, but you might also have to take Customs into consideration. i just had a trade take nearly a month-and-a-half to get to the States from Halifax. It is only the second time that the postal system has done that to me, but it is frustrating none-the-less. I hope that the cards arrive to you soon, and that the hard feelings subside. All the best!


RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - bonnev659 - 12-30-2011

hopefully the cards come thru

also don't mean to get off topic but I dont get mail going from/to Canada.. Huh I get a card from BC to NY in 4 days.... I get a card from around T-dot in 4 weeks... and it is around 4 hour drive from my house to the Expo.....

RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - Optimus_Prime - 12-30-2011

(12-30-2011, 08:55 AM)bonnev659 Wrote: hopefully the cards come thru

also don't mean to get off topic but I dont get mail going from/to Canada.. Huh I get a card from BC to NY in 4 days.... I get a card from around T-dot in 4 weeks... and it is around 4 hour drive from my house to the Expo.....

Yeah, It's crazy. Sometimes cards going to the same address can take weeks difference in times. It sucks too because USA to CA they don't do delievery conformation so you can't even track the package (without paying big bucks) The customs number can be tracked to the point where it shows it being shipped, but other than that. blah.

RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - bonnev659 - 12-30-2011

(12-30-2011, 09:25 AM)Optimus_Prime Wrote: Yeah, It's crazy. Sometimes cards going to the same address can take weeks difference in times. It sucks too because USA to CA they don't do delievery conformation so you can't even track the package (without paying big bucks) The customs number can be tracked to the point where it shows it being shipped, but other than that. blah.

2 options, register mail adds $10 but you will get something back saying it was received.. and express mail which is $$$ but I used it on a few higher end trades

RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - slufan83 - 12-30-2011

Nope, we're both in the US, so no customs to worry about. Not sure what's going on that I haven't gotten my stuff yet.

RE: Big or Small, All Trades are Equal - slufan83 - 12-31-2011

Sooo apparently a MOD sent him a PM a week or so ago about this and he wouldn't even reply to him either. He logs in every couple days...not sure why this SIMPLE deal can't be resolved.