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Good day, Beckett Community.

Well this is not the post that I want to have to make during the Christmas season... or at any point, really. It seems that the etiquette for trading has taken a hit recently, as scammers are coming to the forefront again, and feedback seems to be being held for ransom by members that ship in second (or even third) rate fashion. Case in point:



This was sent to me by a decently established member, who thought that this was a good way to ship. The little bundle you see was wrapped loosely in bubble wrap, and then thrown into a box five times its size. Needless to say it jostled around in travel, damaging at will. Luckily only one card was mangled past value, but the member still defended their methods and even tried placing blame on the post office in response to my proper feedback. A message was sent to them before feedback was left by me, but no response came my way. The member obviously knew what they did was wrong. This is not okay to do, and can lead to removal from the site. 

If there is an attempt to work on things when a mistake is made, take it. Otherwise, the one that was in the wrong will be the one with a warning, or removed. This hobby we all are involved in costs lots of hard-earned money, and is more important than that for some people. I no longer collect for myself, but for my son. The member knew this, which leads me to believe that-seeing as it was for a child-condition did not matter. Wrong! The condition the cards arrive is of utmost importance, because it is the second most important aspect to the hobby, aside from who is on the card.  

Feedback is also not to be held "ransom" in any case. I have had to prompt most of the members in my trades over the past two years to leave feedback. This is not okay either. If you messed up on your trade, you deserve the diminished feedback, or the negative, should you refuse to work it out. If you were sent cards that were wrong or damaged, getting in touch with the other member should be the first step to get things fixed. Please do not just dump negative feedback on the member without contacting them to work out a resolve. 

Last of all, please just treat all cards that you are sending out as you would have the cards you are receiving be treated. With respect so that you can enjoy them. This may "only" be a hobby, but it is one of the more expensive, and cared about ones out there. Respect should be the primary thought throughout the course of a trade. Best wishes, Beckett Community.

Wow! Not even in penny sleeves... That has to be the worst way to send you cards. They should have at the bare minimum put the cards in penny sleeves and top loaders, then place the protection around those cards such as cardboard tightly held together with tape on all four sides... Man I'd be pissed...
"but the member still defended their methods and even tried placing the blame on the post office"

Placing blame on the post office is pretty lame.  I would think it'd be common sense at this point to understand that packages get tossed around and whatnot during the period that it's traveling from one place to another so make sure to pack it safely and securely.

I'd love to know how they defended that shipping method.  I'm sure it involves something like "I've done this plenty of times before with no complaint" as if that makes such a shoddy method of packaging alright.
Animie67: I was once I picked up the box and heard the cards fall. Then again when I opened it up to find this. When I did not receive a response to try and work things out, depleted (not negative, but 3.75) feedback was left. I had to ask them to leave their proper feedback for the cards that I sent almost a week prior to the cards arriving to me. They knew that I would not be happy.

ricelynnevans75: You... pretty well got that word-for-word! This was their response to my feedback on their profile: "Every trade I do you can look at my feedback, cards are always packaged well, I cant help if Post Office damages it but they are packed we". It got cut off at the character limit, so I don't know what the rest says, but, yeah... defend that packaging.

rayeates Wrote:ricelynnevans75: You... pretty well got that word-for-word! This was their response to my feedback on their profile: "Every trade I do you can look at my feedback, cards are always packaged well, I cant help if Post Office damages it but they are packed we". It got cut off at the character limit, so I don't know what the rest says, but, yeah... defend that packaging.

Ugh.  Blaming others for things within one's control is annoying.  Regardless of if it's cards or something else, it's always on the seller to make sure cards arrive in the condition they were sent.  While USPS I'm sure isn't carrying around a package as if it's a steaming cup of coffee filled to the brim, I doubt they're playing baseball with it in the back room either.  

I wouldn't doubt if the person did have garbage shipping methods in the past as well.  Some people I'm sure are fine with it as long as the cards are fine while others I'm sure don't leave appropriate feedback for fear of receiving retaliatory feedback. 

I haven't traded on here in years but do you mods have a way of removing retaliatory feedback?  I think that could go a long way in helping out appropriate feedback being left by some.
(12-11-2020, 08:19 AM)rayeates Wrote: [ -> ]Last of all, please just treat all cards that you are sending out as you would have the cards you are receiving be treated. With respect so that you can enjoy them. This may "only" be a hobby, but it is one of the more expensive, and cared about ones out there. Respect should be the primary thought throughout the course of a trade. Best wishes, Beckett Community.
Sorry that happened and you are 100% right. I highly doubt this person would be happy to receive cards in this manner.

(12-11-2020, 09:29 AM)ricelynnevans75 Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't traded on here in years but do you mods have a way of removing retaliatory feedback?  I think that could go a long way in helping out appropriate feedback being left by some.
The one neg I received was retaliatory and I had the option after talking with an admin to remove it but I left it on my feedback profile. Allows people who see my trading history to see the one garbage person who negged me and when they click on his user, they knew to steer FAR clear.
That's just irresponsible. I hate seeing tape like that. I often receive cards in toploaders with tape over the top to keep the cards in (?) I've received cards that I have to peel the tape off the edges and am not always successful in not damaging them. There should NEVER be a situation where a card can come in contact with tape, even if it is just the edge.
I hate this. Ranks right up there with those who are so f***ing cheap that they cram multiple cards into a single penny sleeve, thus damaging the cards. Some people are so ridiculous. Unfortunately this is not all that uncommon here. My ignore list is getting increasingly longer because of it.

Sorry to see you had a bad experience. Hopefully nothing too valuable was damaged.
Dooshery, plain and simple.

It's running rampant in the hobby these days.

Like there's not a million different supplies out there to use to avoid this, like, I don't know, a team bag, even without penny sleeves?

Snap case?

Individual penny sleeves and then a thick toploader or two?

No excuse for this ... best case lazy, worst case dooshy.

I admire your restraint in not "outing" this member.
Scotch tape should be banned from wrapping cards...period! Does not matter whether toploaders are used or not. I wrap protected cards in the printed invoice and then tape the invoice edges. No contact with the cards at all.
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