This set of 64 standard-size color cards was distributed as a small boxed set featuring Major League umpires exclusively. The box itself is blank, white, and silver. The set was produced by T and M Sports under licenses from Major League Baseball and the Major League Umpires Association. Card backs are printed in black on light blue. All the cards are black bordered, but the American Leaguers have a red thin inner border, whereas the National Leaguer… [Read More]
This set of 64 standard-size color cards was distributed as a small boxed set featuring Major League umpires exclusively. The box itself is blank, white, and silver. The set was produced by T and M Sports under licenses from Major League Baseball and the Major League Umpires Association. Card backs are printed in black on light blue. All the cards are black bordered, but the American Leaguers have a red thin inner border, whereas the National Leaguers have a green thin inner border. A short biographical sketch is given on the back for each umpire. The cards are numbered on the back; the number on the front of each card refers to the umpire's uniform number. [Collapse]
Description | Price Low | Price High |
Title | SER # | PRINT RUN | LO | HI | Actions |
Title | MINT | NM-MT+ | NM-MT | NM | EX-MT | EX | VG-EX | VG | GOOD | POOR |
Title | GemMt | Mint | NmMt+ | NmMt | NrMt | ExMt | Ex | VgEx | Vg | Good | Poor |