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OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - Printable Version

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OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - MrSwankTank21 - 01-14-2013

So I follow Larry King on twitter, and he is a huge baseball fan and posted a link to this, thought it was very interesting, if it was affordable! Haha

It's a lithograph of 28 different Jewish baseball players autographed. Very interesting.

What do you all think of this? Would you buy it, if the price wasn't outrageous!

RE: OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - RobbinsDynasty - 01-15-2013

For me no interest. Great piece but not my cup of tea. Regardless of price and future investment profits just doesn't pull on any heart strings.

RE: OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - alfredoleal2001 - 01-15-2013

ITs a pretty cool piece, I had no idea Ian Kinsler was jewish, at least I learned something today

RE: OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - 20youksox - 01-15-2013

I'd buy it. But, thats only because Kevin Youkilis is on it though.

RE: OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - nyyankeesfan28 - 01-15-2013

Very cool piece, not sure if I'd buy it, though.

RE: OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - Phillies_Joe - 01-15-2013

Really cool..raises money for charity and players got to pick which charity they wanted proceeds to go to...too high priced and really doesn't scream, "PJ you need me". How cool if other ethnic groups of players did this?

RE: OT: Jewish Baseball Players Lithograph - uvaspina - 01-15-2013

If I were jewish, I'd definitely be interested in this (as an item to save up for). As is stands (and as a gentile), I think this is really cool and would proudly display it in my office/home. It's a very good looking lithograph featuring Koufax (and Braun and Youklis...). I didn't catch the price, but I'm assuming it's pretty expensive.

What you might not appreciate just looking at the first image is how BIG this lithograph is. It's like above-the-mantle BIG.
Also, had never heard that Bud Selig is jewish...